Charlo will look to remain undefeated as a pro |
Jermell Charlo vs. Mario Lozano:
This Saturday before the big card on regular Showtime some fighters will be in action on Showtime Extreme. One of the notable fighters appearing on Showtime Extreme will be Jermell Charlo (24-0, 11 KO). Charlo will be taking on Mario Lozano (28-5, 22 KO) in a 10 round junior middleweight bout. Charlo is an orthodox boxer with very fast hands. His has a good jab that he uses to control the distance during a fight. Along with his stiff jab Charlo also has a very nice straight right hand and a left hook that can be wild but is extremely quick. His right hand can also get a little wild but his hand speed makes up for it. Defensively Charlo typically does a nice job and his ability to counter is one of his best weapons. Lozano is also an orthodox fighter and he will be the heavier handed fighter come Saturday night. Lozano does a nice job of jabbing upstairs and to the body which takes some steam our of his opponents. His overhand right is a big punch for him but can get wild like his left hook. The problems for Lozano are defensively, he is very flat footed and doesn't move very well in the ring which results in him taking a lot of clean punches. While Lozano does have the power to win this fight if he catches Charlo that is unlikely. Charlo is the faster, more skilled fighter and those skills should allow him to leave the ring with a unanimous decision victory.
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